War Economy

War Economy

The War economy could be contributing to GDP as the Ukrainian war worsened. The Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed, but regretfully it is not the conclusion to the world’s worst war of this century. Massive military build-up in NATO countries bordering Russia and geopolitical moves suggest more bloody battles could lie ahead under the ever-increasing mushroom …

Climate Crisis

Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is one of the reasons why the Doomsday Clock is just 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.    Since 1970, the wildlife population has declined by 69%, which could be the canary in the global coal mine. Meanwhile, the global population has more than doubled over …

Worst Housing Bust

Worst Housing Bust

The Worst housing bust since the 1940s has already started with price corrections, and it is likely to gain momentum in the third quarter of 2023. The cost of servicing a mortgage has more than doubled in the past eighteen months for typical households with variable mortgages, as the Fed’s rate-hiking phoney inflation war adds …