Copper has a widespread application due to its key properties, which include high conductivity, pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, ductility, and antimicrobial properties. Copper’s high utility makes it a valuable metal and a bellwether indicator of economic activity Construction and infrastructure industries use more than 40% of all copper produced. Copper’s properties make the metal ideal …
Election Trading Strategy
With the US Presidential elections scheduled for next month, November 3, having an election trading strategy is becoming a hot button topic. As Darren Winters points out, a contested election is featuring on investors’ radar, with 60% of investors surveyed of the opinion that the election result could be contested, according to BoA Global Fund …
Corporate Government Bailouts
The tug-of-war for corporate government bailouts in the mid-pandemic economy has just begun. Rolls-Royce, a world-class manufacturer of civilian and defense propulsion systems for marine, air, and land, being at the very top of the queue for companies needing government aid to survive the pandemic of 2020. Approximately 50% of Rolls-Royce revenue comes from civil …